Change History of CaveScript Code/Documentation

A detailed change history can be found within the documentation for the CaveScript DTD and Schema. This change history just summarises any changes to CaveScript or to this web site.

27th July 2001

17th Feb 2001
Made following changes to the documentation:
* DTD change: encoding from US-ASCII to UTF-8 on suggestion of John Halleck
* DTD change: moved comments to after declaration. The declaration must be the first line (bought to my notice by John Halleck)
* DTD/schema change: in the shot element changed dist, azim and elev attribute type from required to implied.
* Separated version number of DTD from Schema. I originally had the version numbers being the same and incremented one whenever I incremented the other but even now they have different functionality and eventually the DTD will be phased out as schemas become the norm.

28th Jan 2001
Made several changes to the CaveSurvey DTD/Schema documentation. See its change history for the details. Changes also to the general website, changing references to DTDs to include schemas. Added reference to the UISIC's XML Group to the FAQ. Added a link to the latter to a new links page.

18th Jan 2001
Fixed prob of a missing end tag with DTD and other documentation. Fixed a frame loading prob pointed out by Roger Schuster; simplified the frame set as well. Added this "changes" section.