Draft Additional
UIS Cave and Karst Field Definitions

Like the UISIC "atendefn.html" file, definitions below are arranged in Field ID (FID) order. The FID and field name are shown first, followed by the other details. See also the Notes at the end for the meanings of the various codes.

522 : Mineral Chemical Class
Entity: MI
Data type: A       Max length:   25.      Coding: I       Single/Multi-valued: S
Based on Dana's Mineralogy, this is the chemical class to which the mineral

523 : Mineral Chemical Name
Entity: MI
Data type: A       Max length:   35.      Coding: I       Single/Multi-valued: S
Based on Dana's Mineralogy, this is the official chemical name of the mineral.


These notes are the same as the UISIC notes, however I have added MI = Mineral, speleothem.
Entities:  AR = Article in a publication.
           AT = Field or attribute.
           AV = Field value.
           CA = Cave or karst feature.
           EN = Entity.
           JN = Journal.
           MI = Mineral, speleothem.
           OR = Organisation.
           PE = Person.
           PH = Photograph.
           PL = Plan or map.
           PM = Marker (Permanent mark)
           PS = Map series.
           RE = Region or area.
           RP = Report.
           SM = Specimen.
           SP = Species.
           ST = Site.
           SU = Subject.
           SV = Survey.
           SY = System field.
           XK = A key-in batch.
           XL = An upload batch.
           XU = An update batch.

Data type: A = Alphanumeric.
           N = Numeric. A "real" number allowing decimal places and
               many significant digits, typically around 15.
           D = Date.
           L = Logical. True or False.
           I = Integer. Whole number in the range -32,767 to +32,768.

Maximum length:
When a Numeric data type is expressed as text characters, its maximum
length must allow for the maximum value and the finest precision, and if
necessary, a leading sign. This maximum must also be considered on an
international basis. For example, a field value which has maximum text
characters of "-9999.999" consists of sign(1) + whole number digits(4) +
decimal separator(1) + decimal digits(3), giving a total text length of
9, with a "scale" of 3. This would be expressed as a "Max. length" of 9.3

Codes for field coding:
           I = International coding   U = Uncoded   L = Locally coded

Codes for single or multi-valued:
           S = Single-valued   M = Multi-valued


Created 7th April 2001 based on UISIC layout of 5-Sep-1998
Entity MI = Mineral, speleothem.
This page copyright © 2001 Jill Rowling.

These definitions, atendefn1.html are proposed by Jill for discussion along with the ongoing development of other field definitions. Generally, discussions on field definitions are conducted by the Informatics Commission (UISIC) of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). See http://rubens.its.unimelb.edu.au/~pgm/uisic/exchange/exchprop.html
Discussions of cave minerals and speleothems are generally conducted by the members of the Mineralogy Commission of the IUS.

This page last updated on 8th April 2001 by Jill Rowling