A Perl Based Survex/XML Converter

1st January 2000, Version 0.1

A Perl based
Survex/CaveSurvey XML Converter
for Cave Survey Data

Michael Lake



This document details the program svx2xml, which converts cave survey data in Survex format to CaveScript XML format, and the program xml2svx which converts the latter back to Survex format.

GNU Copyright

tocsectionGNU Copyright

These programs and the XML are released under the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991

<gnu copyright>= (U-> U->)
# Programs svx2xml/xml2svx: convert cave surveying data between 
# Survex and CaveScript XML format.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Michael R. Lake
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Noweb Documentation

tocsectionNoweb Documentation

This documentation was written using --- a literate programming tool (Ref. [cite noweb]). There is a short document on using in the CaveScript root directory. Without LaTeX and you won't be able to easily extract the programs or example files from this document.

Noweb Files

tocsubsectionNoweb Files

From this documentation one can extract the following files:

Makefile A front end to all the commands, noweb, notangle &noweave.
svx2xml The program that converts Survex to XML format
xml2svx The program that converts XML to Survex format
example.svx An example Survex file
example.xml An example XML file
svx-xml.tex Documentation in LaTeX format
svx-xml.htmlDocumentation in HTML format

The commands to extract these files are shown in Table [->]. The Makefile provides the easiest method to run the commands and is described later.

To extract:Run:
All the files:noweb svx-xml.nw
To extract the:Run:
Makefile: notangle -t4 -RMakefile svx-xml.nw > Makefile
svx2xml program:notangle -t4 -Rsvx2xml svx-xml.nw > svx2xml
xml2svx program:notangle -t4 -Rxml2svx svx-xml.nw > xml2svx
Example Survex file:notangle -t4 -Rexample.svx svx-xml.nw > example.svx
Example XML file: notangle -t4 -Rexample2.xml svx-xml.nw > example2.xml
LaTeX documentation noweave -t4 -delay -index svx-xml.nw > svx-xml.tex
latex svx-xml.tex
HTML documentation noweave -html -filter 'l2h -show-unknowns' -x svx-xml.nw | htmltoc > svx-xml.html
Summary of usage [*]

Interpreting Cross References

tocsubsectionInterpreting Cross References

Throughout the dvi and Postscript documentation you will see that each chunk of code is uniquely identified by a page number and an alphabetic sub-page reference. An example is:

10b <cavesurvey.dtd 9>+=== (15) 10a 11

This line tells us that we are now in code chunk 10b. This code chunk is on page 10 and it is the second code chunk defined on this page.

The construct <cavesurvey.dtd 9>+=== tells us that we are in a code chunk called cavesurvey.dtd, that its definition began in chunk 9 and the +=== means we are adding to its definition (concatenates definitions with the same name in order of appearance).

At the right margin we find: (15) 10a 11

This tells us that the chunk we're defining is used within chunk 15, and that this current chunk is continued from chunk 10a and is continued in chunk 11.

At the end of each code chunk a %def can be used to define any variables within that code chunk that we want to cross reference. These defined variables get listed in the index with a page number to where they were defined. The LaTeX hyperref package is being used so this page number will be a hyperlink and show as underlined.

Any defined variables enclosed in double square brackets like this [[variable]] in the documentation text becomes a hyperlink, again to the place where that variable is defined.


tocsectionMakefile [*]

The following Makefile provides a convenient way to create the code or documentation after modifications to the source file rather than typing all the notangle or noweave commands. In fact all development is usually done changing the source file and running the appropriate make command. One generally never changes the output files directly (except for quick hacks).

To extract the Makefile:

notangle -t4 -RMakefile svx-xml.nw > Makefile

Run ``make help'' to see what options there are.

One can then modify the source file and extract the new code or documentation. For instance, after making changes to any of the programs or example files in the source file I run ``make dvi'' to see my changes in xdvi.

# Makefile for creating svx-xml scripts

NOWEB_SOURCE = svx-xml.nw
DIST_LOCATION = /home/mikel/Web_pages/mikes_homepage/cavescript

# List of all files for a distribution
DIST_LIST := $(DIST_LIST) svx-xml.html
DIST_LIST := $(DIST_LIST) svx-xml.ps
DIST_LIST := $(DIST_LIST) svx-xml.nw
DIST_LIST := $(DIST_LIST) svx2xml
DIST_LIST := $(DIST_LIST) xml2svx
DIST_LIST := $(DIST_LIST) example.svx
DIST_LIST := $(DIST_LIST) example.xml
DIST_LIST := $(DIST_LIST) example2.xml

# If the user just types 'make' with no args then help, being the first routine
# will be invoked.
        @echo 'Usage: make [code examples dvi ps html dist clean]'

# Specify how to make the programs and examples
svx2xml: $(NOWEB_SOURCE)
        notangle -t4 -Rsvx2xml $(NOWEB_SOURCE) > svx2xml
xml2svx: $(NOWEB_SOURCE)
        notangle -t4 -Rxml2svx $(NOWEB_SOURCE) > xml2svx
example.svx: $(NOWEB_SOURCE)
        notangle -t4 -Rexample.svx $(NOWEB_SOURCE) > example.svx
example.xml: example.svx
        ./svx2xml example.svx > example.xml
example2.xml: $(NOWEB_SOURCE)
        notangle -t4 -Rexample2.xml $(NOWEB_SOURCE) > example2.xml

# Create code and examples
code: svx2xml xml2svx 
        $(MAKE) svx2xml xml2svx
        chmod u+x svx2xml xml2svx
examples: example.svx example.xml example2.xml

# Create documentation
        noweave -t4 -delay -index $(NOWEB_SOURCE) >| svx-xml.tex
        latex svx-xml.tex
        @echo 'You may need to run latex again'
        @echo 'latex svx-xml.tex'

ps: dvi
        dvips svx-xml.dvi -o svx-xml.ps

        noweave -html -filter l2h -index $(NOWEB_SOURCE) | htmltoc >| svx-xml.html

all: code examples html ps

# Removes unnecessary LaTeX files like *.aux, *.log etc.
#       lintex
        rm svx2xml xml2svx
        rm -f *.aux *.dvi *.tex *.toc *.log
        rm -f svx-xml.html svx-xml.ps
        rm -f example.svx example2.xml
        rm -f *.err
        rm -f *.inf
        rm -f *.pos
        rm -f *.3d

        tar cvf - $(DIST_LIST) | gzip > svx-xml-0.1.tar.gz
        mv *.gz $(DIST_LOCATION)/download
        cp svx-xml.html $(DIST_LOCATION)/docs
        cp example.svx  $(DIST_LOCATION)/docs
        cp example.xml  $(DIST_LOCATION)/docs
        cp example2.xml $(DIST_LOCATION)/docs

Required Perl Modules

The program svx2xml requires the Perl module XML::Parser.
The program xml2svx requires the Perl module XML::Writer.

This is a module which provides methods to parse XML documents.

The Perl module XML::Writer Version 0.3 by David Megginson is used. [perdoc XML::Writer] . The Perl documentation for this states:
``XML::Writer is a simple Perl module for writing XML documents: it takes care of constructing markup and escaping data correctly, and by default, it also performs a significant amount of well-formedness checking on the output, to make certain (for example) that start and end tags match, that there is exactly one document element, and that there are not duplicate attribute names.''

Survex to CaveScript XML

The program svx2xml converts Survex format files into CaveScript format XML files. XML files are more verbose; the small example Survex file is around 1.5 kbytes versus the 2.5 kbyte XML file. Some space can be saved by not having returns at the end of the XML tags. This saves from 10 to 20 %.

Implemented Survex Commands

The Survex commands supported in this version of svx2xml and xml2svx are listed in Table [->]. A `yes' indicates that the command is fully suported, a × that it is not supported and a - indicates that there is partial or qualified support.

Command Supported Comments
; comments yes supported at start or end of lines
*begin yes
*calibrate yes
*case ×
*data yes type normal and diving are supported
*default ×
*end yes
*equate × not yet - will be implemented via XPointers and XLinks
*fix yes
*include ×
*infer ×
*prefix × deprecated by *begin and *end - will not be supported
*sd yes
*set ×
*solve ×
*title ×
*truncate ×
*units ×
Implemented survex commands [*]

Root Chunk svx2xml

The svx2xml script starts with a preamble code chunk which includes the usual Perl things, a copyright statement and variable declarations. This is followed by start xml which writes the beginning of the XML file---the required declarations which are are not dependent on the content of the Survex file being parsed.

The main work of the program is in process survex lines where Survex *commands are parsed and converted to XML tags.

Finally the end xml closes any open XML tags.

<svx2xml preamble>
<svx2xml start xml>
<svx2xml process survex lines>
<svx2xml end xml>

### Survex specific subroutines ###
<svx2xml survex subroutines>

### Miscellaneous Subroutines ###
<misc subroutines>

Each of these code chunks will now be described.


Usual Perl stuff, the GNU copyright, and variable declarations.

A parameter that can be changed here is NEWLINES. When the new object $writer is created we can set NEWLINES => 0 or NEWLINES => 1 or not specify it at all. If this value is true, then XML::Writer will insert an extra newline before the closing delimiter of start, end, and empty tags so that the document does not end up as a single, long line. If the paramter is not present, or is false, the module will not insert the newlines.


<svx2xml preamble>= (<-U)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Survex format to XML format
# This program is generated from noweb documentation.
<gnu copyright>
# Program Usage: program_name < survex_data_file > xml_data_file

use strict;
use XML::Writer;        # see perldoc XML::Writer

my $i = 0;
my ($tmp, @tmp);
my $todays_date; 
my $data_in; 
my @data_in;

my $writer = new XML::Writer(NEWLINES => 0);

my $data_type = "normal";
my @data_type_stack = "";       # When we change the Survex data-type we push the 
                                                        # last one onto this stack.

# Declare and initialise a hash for the data ordering. 
my %data_order_default;
$data_order_default{"from"}     = 0;
$data_order_default{"to"}               = 1;
$data_order_default{"tape"}     = 2;
$data_order_default{"compass"}  = 3;
$data_order_default{"clino"}    = 4;

# Copy the default data-ordering hash to the current working hash.
my %data_order_current = %data_order_default;

Defines %data_order_current, %data_order_default, $data_type (links are to index).

The string $data_type and hash %data_order_current will be set each time we encounter a *data <type> <ordering> and used each time we process a Survex data line.

Start XML

All XML files start with an XML declaration, optionally any DOCTYPE declarations and a root element. XML declaration: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> XML declaration: <!DOCTYPE CAVESURVEY SYSTEM "CaveSurvey.dtd"> Root element : <CAVESURVEY>

<svx2xml start xml>= (<-U)
# Write an XML declaration and a comment that the XML file was created from 
# this Survex to XML conversion program. 
$writer->xmlDecl("", "no");
$writer->doctype("CAVESURVEY", "", "CaveSurvey.dtd");
# temporarily removed date function as Martin Laverty reported that it crashes Perl
# on M$ Windows
# $tmp = "This file was generated from svx2xml on ".`date`;
$tmp = "This file was generated from svx2xml";
chomp($tmp); $writer->comment($tmp);

# Write the opening root element.

Defines $writer->characters(), $writer->comment(), $writer->startTag, $writer->xmlDecl() (links are to index).

Process Survex Lines

Now read in the entire file and save each line in an array @data_in then use a for loop to process each line. Code for processing Survex blank lines and comment lines follows this code section.

<svx2xml process survex lines>= (<-U)
# Read data from STDIN
@data_in = read_stdin();

# Process Survex lines (* commands are in alphabetical order)
for ($i=0; $i<=$#data_in; $i++)
        # Survex blank line. 
        <svx2xml blank line>

        # Survex comment line. 
        <svx2xml comment line>

        # NOW we check for *commands. This way any *commands commented out with ;
        # will have been turned into XML comments. We are also checking that the
        # *command is at the start of a line - superfluous but lets do it. 
        # See the comments made about this in the full noweb documentation.
        # Survex "*begin series_name" line to XML
        elsif ($data_in[$i] =~ /^\*begin/i) {

        # Survex "*calibrate instrument value" line to XML 
        elsif ($data_in[$i] =~ /^\*calibrate/i) {
        # Survex "*data type ordering" line to XML
        elsif ($data_in[$i] =~ /^\*data/i) {
        # Survex "*end series_name" line to XML
        elsif ($data_in[$i] =~ /^\*end/i) {

        # Survex "*equate station1 station2" line to a XML
        elsif ($data_in[$i] =~ /^\*equate/i) {
        # Survex "*fix station" line to XML.
        elsif ($data_in[$i] =~ /^\*fix/i) {
        # Survex "*include filename.svx" line to XML.
        elsif ($data_in[$i] =~ /^\*include/i) {
        # Survex "*sd instrument value units" line to XML 
        elsif ($data_in[$i] =~ /^\*sd/i) {
        # At this point we assume it's valid survey data in a Survex format.
        # Default order is "From To Tape Compass Clino" but a diff order 
        # can be handled by the *data command.
        else {
                svx_survey_data($i, $data_in[$i]);

Blank lines:
If the Survex file has white space, zero or more times followed by a newline ie. a blank line in the input data we should copy this across as well. Note: why I'm testing for a null instead of white space: read_stdin() removes all leading spaces and the trailing newline of each line read in. Hence for a blank line $data_in will contain no characters at all ie "". No subroutine to handle this is required---we just write out a newline into the XML file.

<svx2xml blank line>= (<-U)
if ($data_in[$i] eq "") 

Comment Lines:
Note that the Survex comments may appear at the beginning or partway along an input line. If we just search for a semicolon like so /;/ then any command or data followed by a Survex comment would be treated as one long comment. We only want to enclose the entire line if a semicolon starts the line, though perhaps with whitespace in front. Hence the pattern matching of /^\s*;/.

<svx2xml comment line>= (<-U)
# FIRST we check for comment lines BEFORE we check for *command lines.
# A Survex comment is a line comprising zero or more white space followed 
# by a semicolon and trailing text. Convert to XML comment.
elsif ($data_in[$i] =~ /^\s*;/) 

For Survex commands we match with /^\*begin/i. The * in *begin is escaped but notice the caret at the start. Matching on a *command string that appears only at the start of a line is good in case the user has a *command within a comment eg.

; should we use an *equate here?

We don't actually need this caret because we match commands after we have matched for a comment, so the comment satisfies the match first and the line is converted to an XML comment. The if block then never gets to test for a *command if the line is a comment. But lets leave the caret in in case we swap elsif's around. Clear?

Finally the presence of an i after the final slash for the Survex command pattern matching provides case insensitivity so that a *BEGIN will match as well as a *begin


Finally end the XML document by closing the root element ie appending: </CAVESURVEY>

<svx2xml end xml>= (<-U)

# Finish the XML document.  This method will
# check that the document has exactly one document
# element, and that all start tags are closed:

Survex Comments

Survex cave survey data usually begins with some comments which describes the cave, the survey and the surveyors.

A note is inserted at the start of the example file so that I will know where it came from.

<example.svx>= [D->]
; This Survex example file is generated from noweb documentation.

; Sigma Cave (W45), upstream section from the top of `Fallaway Drop' 
; along the streamway to `Knockers Cavern Two'.
; Club: Sydney University Speleological Society
; Surveyors: Mike Lake, Jill Rowling, Geoff McDonnell
; Instruments: Suunto Twin, 30m fibreglass tape (SUSS1) and 8m steel tape 
;              for cross sections.
; Date: 1st November 1997

In XML this information would stored as the attributes of elements (see CaveScript Document Type Definitions), however in parsing the Survex file a program can't differentiate one comment from another and place the correct information into appropriate elements. There are two choices for what to do with Survex comments:

The first choice is easier. Perl code to convert Survex comment lines to the XML format is shown below.

<svx2xml survex subroutines>= (<-U) [D->]

sub svx_comment
        # Survex comment line to XML comment line.

        my @tmp = split (/;/, $_[0]);   # split the original string again!
        $writer->comment($tmp[1]);      # write out the second half.

Defines svx_comment() (links are to index).

The svx_comment subroutine is invoked like svx_comment($data_in[$i]); where $data_in is the complete Survex line. The code just splits the line on the semicolon and writes out the right hand side.

Comments are processed whether they occur at the start of a line or at the ends of command or data lines. The semicolon starting a comment can have white-space before it on a line.

<svx2xml comment trailing>= (U-> U-> U-> U-> U-> U-> U-> U-> U->)
if ($_[0] =~ /;/) 

Survex Commands

This section covers the Survex *commands which are covered in alphabetical order. The *commands in the Survex file can be in upper or lower case and both cases are supported.

The example Survex data is now extended to include some typical survex commands:

<example.svx>+= [<-D->]
*begin sigma
*calibrate compass 0.0
*calibrate declination -12.0 
*calibrate tape 0.1 0.95        ; Tape is marked SUSS1, stretched by 5%
*data normal from to tape compass clino
*fix 90 1240 3512 700.0         ; 1240m East, 3512m North, 700m altitude 


The *begin starts a survey series and between *begin's and *end's in Survex any settings are saved away and restored between survey series.

There are two cases to consider; a *begin by itself or a *begin series_name ie. begin followed by the name of a survey series.

<svx2xml survex subroutines>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
sub svx_begin
        # Survex "*begin survey_name ; comment" line.

        # Save away the current data_type (ie normal or diving) so
        # it can be restored on meeting an *end
        push(@data_type_stack, $data_type);

        my @tmp = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);

        if (!$#tmp) 
        # Case 1: "*begin  " ie. no name or trailing comments
        # Case 2: "*begin something [something else]" 
                # ie. @tmp array will be (*begin, name [; comments...] ) so 
                # $tmp[0] will be *begin always
                # $tmp[1] will be either ";" or will be a series "name" but NOT null
                # $tmp[2] will be either ";" or comment characters or else "" ie null.

                if ($tmp[1] eq ";") 
                        $writer->startTag("SERIES", "NAME" => $tmp[1]);
        # Cope with case of a trailing comment.
        <svx2xml comment trailing>

Defines SERIES, svx_begin() (links are to index).

We first check the length of the array @tmp after splitting the input string. If the *begin has no series name ie. and there were no trailing comments (ie just ``*begin '') then the last index of the $tmp array will be zero. Negate this so that we write out SERIES and finish. (Yes, testing for the case of a trailing comment is then done unneccessarily at the end.)

If the size of the @tmp array is >=1 then we have either a name or comments or both. Split on white space and if $tmp[1] is a semicolon then there is no prefix so again output SERIES. If it's not a semicolon then it has to be a prefix possibly followed by comments. Finally test for any comment and print them.

*calibrate declination or instrument

If the Survex line contains a *calibrate command then it is either a declination correction or an instrument correction. The two are handled slightly differently in that there is no scale correction for a declination.

A `*calibrate declination -12.5' will become:

While `*calibrate tape -0.2 0.95' will become:

This will apply for instruments such as tape, compass, clino, counter and for measurements such as depth and x, y, z positions. If a scale is provided for a declination it will be ignored.

The zero and scale corrections applied by Survex are:

value = ( reading - zero_correction) * scale_correction

The zero error and scale defaults to 0.0 and 1.0 respectively.

<svx2xml survex subroutines>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
sub svx_calibrate
        # Survex "*calibrate instrument value" line to XML line
        # <instrument ZERO_CORRECT="value" SCALE_CORRECT="value"> tag.
    # or
        # Survex "*calibrate declination value" line to XML line
        # <AREA DECLINATION="value" > tag.

        my @tmp = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);  
        # ie. @tmp array will be either, using tape as an example... 
        # (*calibrate, tape, 0.1 [scale]) or (*calibrate, declination, 12.5 [1]) 
        # $tmp[1] will be either the instrument we are calibrating or declination 
        # $tmp[2] will be it's value. 
        # An instrument may have a scale value as well. If it doesn't just 
        # set it to 1.
        # $tmp[3] its scale value if its an instrument.         

        $tmp[1] =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;         # Make sure element name is UPPERCASE.

        if ( $tmp[1] =~ /DECLINATION/) 
                # If there is a scale given ie. $tmp[3] exists we don't write an 
                # attribute for it as in the case of an instrument as it has no
                # meaning for a declination. 
                $writer->emptyTag("AREA", "DECLINATION" => $tmp[2]);
                if (!$tmp[3])   # if there is no scale then set its value to 1 
                        $tmp[3] = 1;
                $writer->emptyTag($tmp[1], "ZERO_CORRECT"  => $tmp[2],
                                                                   "SCALE_CORRECT" => $tmp[3]);

        # Cope with case of a trailing comment.
        <svx2xml comment trailing>

Defines DECLINATION, INSTRUMENT, SCALE_CORRECT, svx_calibrate(), ZERO_CORRECT (links are to index).

*data ordering

The order of the Survex data can be specified with the command:
*data <type> <ordering>

where <type> = normal | diving
and <ordering> = A selection from one of the following:
normal from to length compass clino
or diving from to length compass fromdepth todepth
or cartesian from to dx dy dz

The default ordering if not specified is: *data normal from to tape compass clino

If the data ordering is normal then there must be 5 data fields in a Survex data line whereas if the data ordering is diving then there must be 6 data fields.

does not require a new element to deal with data ordering as all data is an attribute of the element shot. However we do need to process the *data command and store the current ordering so when we read in the data lines we know what fields to assign in what order in case some users use a different order from the default.

We will do this using the hash %data_order_default. This was initialised immediately prior to processing the Survex lines (Section [<-]) to reflect the default data ordering in Survex.

%data_order_default = ("from", 0, "to", 1, "tape", 2, "compass", 3, "clino", 4);

which sets up the following key-value pairs;

key: from to tape compass clino
value: 0 1 2 3 4

<svx2xml survex subroutines>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
sub svx_datatype
        # Survex "*data <type> <ordering>" line to XML line
        # Previously initialised using the hash %data_order_current.
        my $i;
        my @tmp = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);  
        # Cases might be:

        # *data   normal  from    to      tape    compass   clino
        # tmp[0]  tmp[1]  tmp[2]  tmp[3]  tmp[4]  tmp[5]    tmp[6]
        # *data   diving  from    to      tape    compass   fromdepth  todepth
        # tmp[0]  tmp[1]  tmp[2]  tmp[3]  tmp[4]  tmp[5]    tmp[6]     tmp[7]

        $tmp[1] =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Make sure element name if 'NORMAL' or
                                                        # 'DIVING' is converted to lowercase.

        if ( $tmp[1] =~ /normal/) 
                $data_type = "normal";
                # We only want $tmp[2] through $tmp[6] ie the 5 fields
                # from to tape compass clino
                for ($i=2; $i<=6; $i++) 
                        $data_order_current{$tmp[$i]} = $i-2;
                        # ie. $data_order_current{"from"} = 0
                        #     $data_order_current{"to"}   = 1 etc...
                        # debug line
                        # print STDERR "Data is $tmp[1] key=", $tmp[$i], " value=", $i, "\n";
        elsif ( $tmp[1] =~ /diving/) 
                $data_type = "diving";
                # We only want $tmp[2] through $tmp[7] ie the 6 fields
                # from to tape compass fromdepth todepth
                for ($i=2; $i<=7; $i++) 
                        $data_order_current{$tmp[$i]} = $i-2;
                        # debug line
                        # print STDERR "Data is $tmp[1] key ", $tmp[$i], " value=", $i, "\n";
                print STDERR "The *data type ", $tmp[1], " is not supported.\n";        
                print STDERR "Correct line: ", $_[0], "\n";

        # Cope with case of a trailing comment.
        <svx2xml comment trailing>

Defines DATA, DIVING, NORMAL (links are to index).


Whenever a data series starts we will have to close the scope of the series after the data is processed.

<svx2xml survex subroutines>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
sub svx_end
        # Survex "*end name ; comment" line to XML line.
        # Might also be just "*end ".

        my @tmp = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);  


        # Restore the default data-type and data-ordering.
        $data_type = pop(@data_type_stack);
        %data_order_current = %data_order_default;

        # TODO restore other environments as we have only restored the default 
        # data type.

        #$data_order = pop(@data_order_stack);
        # Cope with case of a trailing comment.
        <svx2xml comment trailing>

Defines SERIES, svx_end() (links are to index).


XML, with its XPointer and XLink capabilities, will be able to provide more functionality to simple equated stations. Until we have XML browsers the equates can be implemented as a tag EQUATE which might be deprecated later.

Information about the equated stations can be placed as text content within the EQUATE element.

<svx2xml survex subroutines>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
sub svx_equate
        # Survex "*equate stn1 stn2 ; comment" line to XML line. 
        my @tmp;
        @tmp = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);
        $writer->startTag("EQUATE", "STN1" => $tmp[1], 
                                                                "STN2" => $tmp[2]); 

        # Cope with case of a trailing comment.
        <svx2xml comment trailing>

Defines EQUATE, STN, svx_equate() (links are to index).

The above code will convert the Survex statement:
*equate 88 ext.1
to an XML line:
<EQUATE STN1="88" STN2="ext.1"></EQUATE>


<svx2xml survex subroutines>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
sub svx_fix
        # Survex *fix line to XML line.
        # eg. "*fix 3a 1000 2000 700" fixes station 3a to 1000m East, 2000m North 
        # and 700m Height.
        # $tmp[0] is *fix, $tmp[1] is the station name, 
        # $tmp[2] is E, $tmp[3] is N, $tmp[4] is H.
        my @tmp = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);
        $writer->emptyTag("STN", "NAME"   => $tmp[1], 
                                                         "EAST"   => $tmp[2], 
                                                     "NORTH"  => $tmp[3],
                                                         "HEIGHT" => $tmp[4]);

        # Cope with case of a trailing comment.
        <svx2xml comment trailing>

Defines EAST, HEIGHT, NAME, NORTH, STN, svx_fix() (links are to index).


<svx2xml survex subroutines>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
sub svx_include
        # Survex *include line to XML line.
        # eg. "*include extension.svx
        # $tmp[0] is "*include", $tmp[1] is "extension.svx"
        my @tmp = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);
        $writer->emptyTag("INCLUDE", "filename" => $tmp[1]);

        # Cope with case of a trailing comment.
        <svx2xml comment trailing>

Defines INCLUDE, svx_include() (links are to index).

*sd instrument

Instruments can also have a standard deviation which describes their accuracy.

<svx2xml survex subroutines>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
sub svx_sd
        # Survex "*sd instrument value ; comment" line to XML line. 
        my @tmp = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);
        # ie. @tmp array will be (*sd, instrument, value, units, ;, comments) 
        # $tmp[1] will be the instrument name
        # $tmp[2] it's value
        # $tmp[3] it's units.
        $tmp[1] =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;         # Make sure instrument name is UPPERCASE.

        $writer->emptyTag($tmp[1], "SD"    => $tmp[2],
                                                           "UNITS" => $tmp[3]);

        # Cope with case of a trailing comment.
        <svx2xml comment trailing>

Defines SD, svx_sd(), UNITS (links are to index).

Survex Survey Data

Example Survex data is described by the following:

<example.svx>+= [<-D->]
; From  To        Dist (m)  Compass   Elev
85      86        5.42       28       +43
86      87        2.16      0.0       +22
87      88        5.90      343       +1
88      89        3.71       10       -3
90      89        4.3       169       -7        ; back bearing

In XML this will become...

<SERIES NAME="sigma">
<SHOT FROM="85" TO="86" DIST="5.42" AZIM="28" ELEV="+43"/>
<SHOT FROM="86" TO="87" DIST="2.16" AZIM="0.0" ELEV="+22"/>
<SHOT FROM="87" TO="88" DIST="5.90" AZIM="343" ELEV=" +1"/>
<SHOT FROM="88" TO="89" DIST="3.71" AZIM="10" ELEV=" -3"/>
<SHOT FROM="90" TO="89" DIST="10.3" AZIM="169" ELEV=" -7"/> <!-- back bearing -->

Notice that the attribute name sigma comes from the *begin argument and we no longer need the comment which describes the order of the data columns. (Also see the Survex *data type order command.)

The svx2xml program will append the comment to shot because we have no way to tell if the comment really does descibe this shot. In a better XML file the describtion of a shot would become the text content of the shot tag like so;
<SHOT FROM="90" TO="89" DIST="10.3" AZIM="69" ELEV=" -7">back bearing</SHOT>

Perl code to process Survex data to XML data is:

<svx2xml survex subroutines>+= (<-U) [<-D]
sub svx_survey_data
        my ($i, $data_in) = @_;
        my $line_no;
        my @tmp = split(/\s+/, $data_in);
        # ie. @tmp arrray might be (1, 2, 355, +24, 10.6 ; comments...)

        # Final check - if data type=normal there must be at least 5 elements 
        # to this array.
        # From...Elev = 5 elements and if there is a comment following
        # then possibly more than 5 elements.
        # TODO handle comment 1st then check for number of elements left
        # for better error pickup.

        if ( ($data_type eq "normal") && ($#tmp >= 4) )
                # Notice that we access the fields with a hash. See the
                # subroutine 'svx_datatype'. 
                        "FROM" => $tmp[$data_order_current{"from"}], 
                        "TO"   => $tmp[$data_order_current{"to"}], 
                        "DIST" => $tmp[$data_order_current{"tape"}],
                        "AZIM" => $tmp[$data_order_current{"compass"}],
                        "ELEV" => $tmp[$data_order_current{"clino"}]);
        elsif ( ($data_type eq "diving") && ($#tmp >= 5) )
                        "FROM"          => $tmp[$data_order_current{"from"}], 
                        "TO"            => $tmp[$data_order_current{"to"}], 
                        "DIST"          => $tmp[$data_order_current{"tape"}],
                        "AZIM"          => $tmp[$data_order_current{"compass"}],
                        "FROMDEPTH" => $tmp[$data_order_current{"fromdepth"}],
                        "TODEPTH"   => $tmp[$data_order_current{"todepth"}]);
        elsif ( ($data_type eq "topofil") && ($#tmp >= 5) )
                        "FROM"          => $tmp[$data_order_current{"from"}], 
                        "TO"            => $tmp[$data_order_current{"to"}], 
                        "FROMCOUNT" => $tmp[$data_order_current{"fromcount"}], 
                        "TOCOUNT"   => $tmp[$data_order_current{"tocount"}], 
                        "AZIM"          => $tmp[$data_order_current{"compass"}],
                        "CLINO"         => $tmp[$data_order_current{"clino"}]);
                # Bail out and write data as an XML comment.
                $line_no = $i + 1;      
                $tmp = "WARNING line $line_no in the Survex file has less than "; 
                $tmp = $tmp."5 data values.\n";
                $tmp = $tmp."The line has been commented out in the XML file!.\n";

                print STDERR $tmp;

        # Cope with case of a trailing comment.
        <svx2xml comment trailing>


Trailing comments are often used to describe the survey stations and anything else the surveyors wanted---especially LRUD information. These will just be converted to XML comments and appended to the data lines.

Note that this function takes two arguments, $i and $data_in. The line number of the input file is passed along so that if there are less than five data values the line number in the Survex file can be provided to the user in the warning. (But it won't stop 4 data values and a trailing comment!)

<example.svx>+= [<-D->]
; Station Descriptions
; 85 = Cusp (lower one) of rock at base of 1st drop.
; 86 = Cusp of rock at apex or corner in passage.
; 87 = Cusp of rock in narrow passage.
; 88 = Cusp of rock 1m above stream bed.
; 89 = Southerly-most end of ridge of rock at waist height.
; 90 = Stalagmite? (dropped pendant?) of rock in muddy chamber.

Nested Survey Data

Survex allows data to be nested with the *begin and *end commands storing the values of the current settings such as instrument calibration, prefix etc. This part of the example Survex file tests the svx2xml conversion for nesting, use of the *equate command and *data ordering.

<example.svx>+= [<-D->]
*equate 88 ext.1

*begin ext  ; Start new extension. Jim did the data ordering differently.
*data normal from to compass clino tape
; From  To      Azim    Clino   Dist
1       2       240     -10     3.0         
2       3       228     -2      2.1
3       4       189     -5      2.9

        ; Here the divers did the short connection
        *sd compass 5 degrees
        *data diving from to tape compass fromdepth todepth
        ; From  To              Dist    Azim    FromDepth       ToDepth
        4       5       0.6     160     0               0.2 ; estimated leg
        6       5       1       15      0.2             0

6       7       100     +10     3.4
7       8       100     +12     2.0
*end ext

*equate ext.8 86

Finally we still have to close the original opening *begin sigma

<example.svx>+= [<-D]
*end sigma

The example Survex file can be extracted as described in Table [<-].

CaveScript XML to Survex

The program xml2svx converts CaveScript format XML files into Survex format files. Information is lost in this process.

Implemented CaveScript Tags

The CaveScript tags that can be converted to survex commands in this version of xml2svx are listed in Table [->].

Element Status of Support
Comments supported at start or end of lines
INSTRUMENT only declination and zero correction for instruments (not scale correction)
EQUATE will be deprecated by XPointers and XLinks
SERIES supported
STN supported
SHOT supported
Implemented CaveScript Elements [*]

The Perl module XML::Parser Version 2.27 by Larry Wall and Clark Cooper is used.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# XML to Survex converter
# This program is generated from noweb documentation.
<gnu copyright>
# Usage is: xml2svx xml_file > svx_file

use strict;
use XML::Parser;        # see perldoc XML::Parser

my $p1;                         # Instance of an XML parser
my $string;
my $file_xml = shift;
# The stack of station names built up as we encounter series after series 
# of cave surveys.
my (@series, $last_series);     
my $semi_needed = 1;

# First check that we have a well formed document.
# If no style is specified the parser will just check for well-formedness.
$p1 = new XML::Parser(); 

if (!$p1->parsefile($file_xml)) {
        print "Document $file_xml not well-formed!\n";

# Set style to Subs.
$p1 = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Subs');

# XML declarations and Doctypes aren't needed by Survex but we will 
# save them with the Survex file for version information.
#$p1->setHandlers(      XMLDecl => \&handle_decl,
#                                       Doctype => \&handle_doctype);

$p1->setHandlers(       Comment => \&handle_xmlcomment);

$p1->setHandlers(Char    => \&handle_char);
#$p1->setHandlers(Default => \&handle_default);

# temp remove date as it crashes Perl on M$ Windows
# print "; This file was generated from xml2svx on ".`date`;
print "; This file was generated from xml2svx;

# Functions for handling tags in Cave Script XML

sub handle_decl 
        my ($p, $Version, $Encoding, $Standalone) = @_;
    print "; XML: Ver=$Version\n";

sub handle_doctype
        my ($p, $Name, $Sysid, $Pubid, $Internal) = @_;
    print "; Sys=$Sysid\n";

sub handle_xmlcomment
    my ($p, $string) = @_;
        $string = trim_whitespace($string);
        $string = trim_semicolon($string);
        print "; $string\n";

sub handle_char
        my ($p, $string) = @_;

        # remove leading and trailing whitespace - including newlines 
        $string = trim_whitespace($string);
        # If the string was just white space it will now be null.

        # If the string is not null print it.
        if ($string ne "") {
                if ($semi_needed == 1) {
                        print " ; $string";     # Needs a semicolon.
                elsif ($semi_needed == 0) {
                        print " $string";               # Doesn't need a semicolon.
                else {
                        # we should never be here
                        print "\nError in handler_char()";
        # else string is null so don't even create a new line.

sub handle_default
        # covers situation where there is no registered handler
        my ($p, $string) = @_;

    if ($string eq "") { return; }
    my $line = $p->current_line;
        print "\n; No support for ", $string;

        $semi_needed = 1;

        $semi_needed = 0;
        print "\n";

sub AREA
        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        print "\n; AREA";
        if ($attr{"NAME"}) {
                print "\n; Area Name: ", $attr{"NAME"};
                $semi_needed = 0;
        if ($attr{"DECLINATION"}) {
                print "\n*calibrate declination ", $attr{"DECLINATION"};
                $semi_needed = 1;

sub AREA_ 
        print "\n";

sub CAVE
        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        print "\n; CAVE";
        if ($attr{"NAME"}) {
                print "\n; Cave Name: ", $attr{"NAME"};
        if ($attr{"TAG"}) {
                print "\n; Cave Tag: ", $attr{"TAG"};
        $semi_needed = 0;

sub CAVE_ 
        print "\n";

sub DATE
        print "\n; DATE";

sub DATE_
        print "\n";

        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        print "\n; Survey Date: ";

        #print "\n";

        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        print "\n; Creation Date: ";

        #print "\n";

        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        print "\n; Modification Date: ";

        #print "\n";

        print "\n; SURVEYORS";

        print "\n";

        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        if ($attr{"NAME"}) {
                print "\n; Surveyor: ", $attr{"NAME"};
        if ($attr{"AFFILIATION"}) {
                print "\n; Affiliation: ", $attr{"AFFILIATION"};
        $semi_needed = 1;

        #print "\n";

        print "\n; INSTRUMENT";

        print "\n";

sub instrument_type
        my ($instrument, %attr) = @_;

        if ($attr{"ID"}) {
                print "\n; $instrument ID: ", $attr{"ID"};
        if ($attr{"UNITS"}) {
                print "\n; $instrument units: ", $attr{"UNITS"};
        if ($attr{"USED"}) {
                print "\n; $instrument used: ", $attr{"USED"};
        if ($attr{"ZERO_CORRECT"}) {
                print "\n*calibrate $instrument ", $attr{"ZERO_CORRECT"};
        if ($attr{"SD"}) {
                print "\n*sd $instrument ", $attr{"SD"};
        if (!keys(%attr)) {
                print "\n; $instrument: ";

sub TAPE
        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        instrument_type("Tape", %attr);

sub TAPE_ 
        #print "\n";

        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        instrument_type("Compass", %attr);

        #print "\n";

        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        instrument_type("Clino", %attr);

sub CLINO_ 
        #print "\n";

        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        if ($attr{"NAME"}) {
                print "\n*begin ", $attr{"NAME"};
                push(@series, $attr{"NAME"});
        else {
                print "\n*begin";
                push(@series, " ");

        $last_series = pop(@series);
        print "\n*end ", $last_series;

sub STN
        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        print "\n; Stn: ", $attr{"NAME"}, " ";

sub STN_ 
        #print "\n"; 

sub SHOT
        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        print "\n", $attr{"FROM"}, "\t", $attr{"TO"}, "\t";
        print $attr{"DIST"}, "\t", $attr{"AZIM"}, "\t", $attr{"ELEV"}, " ";

sub SHOT_ 
        #print "\n"; 

        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
        print "\n*equate ",$attr{"STN1"}, " ", $attr{"STN2"}, " ";

sub EQUATE_ 
        #print "\n"; 

# Miscellaneous functions 

sub trim_semicolon
        my $string = $_[0];
        $string =~ s/^;//;      # remove leading semicolon
        return $string;

sub trim_whitespace
        my $string = $_[0];
        $string =~ s/^\s*//;    # remove leading whitespace
        $string =~ s/\s*$//;    # remove trailing whitespace+newline
        # This will also have removed the trailing newline.
        return $string;

sub date_format
        my %attr = @_; 

        if ($attr{"DAY"}) {
                print $attr{"DAY"};
        else {
                print "??";
        print "-";
        if ($attr{"MONTH"}) {
                print $attr{"MONTH"};
        else {
                print "??";
        print "-";
        if ($attr{"YEAR"}) {
                print $attr{"YEAR"};
        else {
                print "????";
        print " (dd-mm-yyyy)"

### Not used 

sub handle_start
        my ($p, $element, %attr) = @_;
    my $line = $p->current_line; print "$line START $element\n";

sub handle_end
        my ($p, $element) = @_;
    my $line = $p->current_line; print "$line END $element \n";



Miscellaneous Perl Subroutines

<misc subroutines>= (<-U)

sub read_stdin 
  my @data_in;

  while (<>) 
    s/^\s*//; # get rid of all leading spaces
    chomp;    # get rid of newlines 
    push (@data_in, $_);
  return @data_in;

# Function for debugging only.
sub print_array
  # Print the array.
  my ($i, $array_size, @array);
  @array = @_;

  for ($i=0; $i<=$#array; $i++)
    printf "$array[$i]\n";
  $array_size = @array;
  return $array_size;

Example file example.svx for testing svx2xml

example.svx example.svx

Example file

example.xml example.xml

Example File example2.xml for testing xml2svx

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

  <AREA NAME="Wombeyan Caves, NSW" 
        DECLINATION="-11.0" />
  <CAVE NAME="Sigma Cave" 
        TAG="W15" >The cave is located on the hillside.</CAVE>
  <DATE><SURVEYDATE       YEAR="1974" MONTH="09" />
        <CREATIONDATE     YEAR="1998" MONTH="01" DAY="10" />
        <MODIFICATIONDATE YEAR="1999" MONTH="06" DAY="22" /></DATE>


        <TAPE ID="SUSS11" ZERO_CORRECT="+0.1" >30m fibreglass</TAPE>
        <TAPE ID="Jill">6m steel tape for hard to get places</TAPE>
        <COMPASS ID="SUSS1">Suunto Twin</COMPASS>
        <CLINO ID="SUSS2"/>

<SERIES NAME="sigma">

<STN NAME="90" EAST="1240" NORTH="3512" HEIGHT="700.0" />

<STN NAME="85">Cusp (lower one) of rock at base of 1st drop.</STN>
<STN NAME="86">Cusp of rock at apex or corner in passage.</STN>
<STN NAME="87">Cusp of rock in narrow passage.</STN>
<STN NAME="88">Cusp of rock 1m above stream bed.</STN>
<STN NAME="89">Southerly-most end of ridge of rock at waist height.</STN>
<STN NAME="90">Stalagmite? (dropped pendant?) of rock in muddy chamber.</STN>

<SHOT FROM="85" TO="86" DIST="5.42" AZIM="28" ELEV="+43" />
<SHOT FROM="86" TO="87" DIST="2.16" AZIM="0.0" ELEV="+22" />
<SHOT FROM="87" TO="88" DIST="5.90" AZIM="343" ELEV="+1" />
<SHOT FROM="88" TO="89" DIST="3.71" AZIM="10" ELEV="-3" />
<SHOT FROM="90" TO="89" DIST="4.3" AZIM="169" ELEV="-7" >back bearing</SHOT>

<EQUATE STN1="88" STN2="ext.1">We are sure about this.</EQUATE>

Start new extension
<SHOT FROM="1" TO="2" DIST="3.0" AZIM="240" ELEV="-10" />
<SHOT FROM="2" TO="3" DIST="2.1" AZIM="228" ELEV="-2" />
<SHOT FROM="3" TO="4" DIST="2.9" AZIM="189" ELEV="-5" />

This is a tight crawl that we can't easily survey through so we guestimated it.
<INSTRUMENT><COMPASS SD="5" UNITS="degrees" />downgrade leg accuracy</INSTRUMENT>
<SHOT FROM="4" TO="5" DIST="0.6" AZIM="160" ELEV="0" >estimated leg</SHOT>
<SHOT FROM="6" TO="5" DIST="1" AZIM="15" ELEV="1" />

<SHOT FROM="6" TO="7" DIST="3.4" AZIM="100" ELEV="+10" />
<SHOT FROM="7" TO="8" DIST="2.0" AZIM="100" ELEV="+12" />

<EQUATE STN1="ext.8" STN2="86"/>



[1] Literate Programming Using Noweb
A. Johnson &B. Johnson
Linux Journal
Issue 42, October 1997

[2] Inside XML DTDs
S. St. Laurent &R. Biggar
McGraw-Hill 1999

Defined Chunks

